Portfolio Services
In a dynamically evolving workplace and world, leaders and staff professionals are being challenged to own their resilience.
Workshops & Talks:
- Leadership Empowerment Practices Curriculum
- Belonging Unboxed Lunch 'n Learn Seminar
- Diversity, Equity & Belonging Workshop Series
- Coaching You to Your Act Two bundle package
- Personal Power keynotes for Conferences & Retreats
Leadership Empowerment Practices Curriculum
A teachable point of view (as defined by Noel Tichy) enlarges leaders’ capacity to develop and inspire others while strengthening their line of sight business acumen. Participants will understand how the 4 components of a TPOV is an integral part of building trust as a leader. By considering how biography influences leadership styles, participants will map and apply their own seminal life experience(s) to their organizational objectives.
With businesses re-defining how, where, and when work gets done today, professionals are examining how to leverage their skills in new and dynamic ways at work. Participants will learn how to inventory and brand their skills and consistently apply this approach during any time of change and disruption.
Developing and sustaining a trusting relationship is the foundation of a leader’s credibility with a work group. One key component of building trust is being willing to be vulnerable. Our origin stories establish an opportunity to find common ground through shared experiences across geographies, generations and/or gender identity.
These terms are often used synonymously – and both are important to career development – but they have specific applications. Participants will understand the role and responsibilities of a sponsor and a mentor and how to effectively deploy them for workforce planning.
The end of a career in an organization or industry does not signal the end of making a contribution. For those considering the next chapter of their journey in a new professional or civic engagement capacity, the first steps can be unclear. In this group coaching environment, participants will examine their challenges and aspirations to draft a vision for their next act.
When asked if they have a succession plan, leaders often warily reply, “I have someone in mind,” or “I’m not planning to leave my role anytime soon.” Consequently, the plan is not prioritized or clearly communicated – and key talent may be overlooked. In this session, you will be guided through the mindset and leadership practices necessary to co-create an uncompromising plan for the future of your organization.

Tesha Nesbit has over 20 years’ experience as a Human Resource Development and DEI strategy professional. As an influencer and empowerment enabler, she also is a thought partner on community engagement, belonging and educational equity. Her personal mission is rooted in the Tamari expression “to do everything in life with passion and emotion.” And as the founder and principal for A Phoenix Rising Coaching, Tesha uses empowerment coaching through the lens of emotional intelligence to build collaborative work/life solutions.
Tesha earned a B.A. in Communications from Penn State Behrend at Erie and a M.S. in Human Resource Management from La Roche College. She earned her Corporate Social Responsibility certificate program from the Johns Hopkins University Krieger School of Arts & Sciences in Washington, DC. Ms. Nesbit completed foundational coursework in the Executive Certification in Diversity Coaching through the Coaching Diversity Institute and Howard University.
Workshop Series
The Flight of the Phoenix is a series of goal-setting and action-planning e-learning courses designed and delivered with the solstice and equinox seasons as the catalyst for inspiring and igniting your own reinvention.
Design your goals for the “new year, new you” and build your action itinerary using vision boarding
Develop and evaluate your implementation plan to claim your awakened vision
Launch your encore breakthrough vision using personal accountability tools and resources
Focus on assembling the tools for developing your personal brand for your encore performance